Мass Мedia (136)

Mass - media. This category gives information about meetings with representatives of media, TV and Radio programs and articles prepared in frames of the projects of the Fund "Sukhumi".

Ozurgeti journalists gathered in Gender Media Center. They listened to the news, which took place after last meeting in February in the GACs of Ozurgeti, Senaki and Kutaisi.
During a meeting the participants spoke about gender media center and its interesting block, concrete result of the work with media was noted: more than 20 publications and the materials on gender issues.zurgeti journalists gathered in Gender Media Center. They listened to the news, which took place after last meeting in February in the GACs of Ozurgeti, Senaki and Kutaisi.
The journalists promote to establishment of gender policy in Ozurgeti. They know their mission and are going to have more effective cooperation with gender advisory councils and local state structures.

The project is implemented with the support

 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality



“Guest in the studio” – Radio “Rioni” aired two programs on actual issues – establishment of gender components in the educational process, change of local self-government policy in direction of gender issues.
The guest of the first show was program director of GYLA Kutaisi branch, member of Kutaisi GAC – Nodar Jikia. The second show was participated by the Methodist of kindergarten – Lela Gurgenidze, member Kutaisi GAC – Nata Todua and representative if the fund “Sukhumi”  - Lali Shengelia.
While speaking with radio journalist - Nana Royui96idze, many important questions were raised, connected with raising of civil society awareness in the society.  


The project  is implemented with the support of the Czech non-governmental organization

«The independent socio-environmental movement»


What is the role of women in representative bodies, whether the government supports initiative of NGOs - to determine the gender quotas at the level of legislation. Representatives of the fund “Sukhumi” and the GAC fixed their attitude to the issue.
As the chairman of the gender equality council of the Parliament Manana Koyui96hidze noted gender quotas have both supporters and opponents. To her opinion, the awareness of positive aspects of the quota in parliament, political parties, community and need to reach a consensus it should be recognized correctly. Although the reality that Georgia is on the 112 th place out of 150 in women's representation, is not acceptable. It was evident from the interviews of other members of Parliament.


The project is implemented with the support

 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


From January implementation of the new project: “strengthening of women’s rights in Western Georgia” began.
In frames of the project monthly electronic informational bulletin is issued, which summarizes activities during a month, number of participants and achieved results.
According the third issue of the bulletin, in March 82 activities were held in January, with participation of 995 people.
Definite changes were achieved and lives of some women were changed.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)


Batumi Gender Advisory Council organized round table in March. One of the main issues was early marriage and its results.
“Gender News” of the Radio “Freedom” is continuation of this topic. Georgia takes the second place after Moldova regarding early marriage. Experts, psychologists, rights protectors invited by the GAC speak that it is not a problem of concrete family. The decision is made that from April1 1, it is punishable to marry underage person.  

The project is implemented with the support of the U.S. Department of State

“Gender news” in Radio “Freedom” Batumi agency tells about and event of Batumi GAC and the fund “Sukhumi” – round table “Dialogue of generations – for gender and harmonic society”. The participants share opinions about importance of communication between generations.
What is gender education, why is so important to share experience and appreciation of young peoples interests, how shall we use Batumi intellectual experience and how must be built cooperation for creation of methodology guidelines for educational premises. What recommendations were announced from the side of youth, specialists, teachers, what projects will be submitted by the GAC for the support of informal education of the youth – these are the main issues the story tells about.
The project is implemented with the support of the U.S. Department of State


In broadcast of TV "Egrisi" (Senaki) TV program was aired, which deals with the problem of violence against women, its social scope and danger. This is a vital topic for Senaki, although it is still considered to be its private problem.
How do the members of the Gender Advisory Council of Senaki, members of the society, members of the Municipalities respond to the initiative of the President of the country - to declare 2015 the year of women - the story shows a picture and prospects in direction of greater social protection for women, preventive measures of protection from domestic violence.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality



The results of the Ozurgeti Gender Advisory Council (GAC), and plans for the future – main issue of the story in radio "Dzveli kalaki" between members of the GAC and young people involved in projects implemented by the GAC.
According to the respondents, we can safely say that in the budget of Ozurgeti new gender directions appeared - encouraging of successful young people, an increase in funding of the Day center of vulnerable children, support for projects on gender education.
They pay particular attention to support of the media, gender-sensitive journalism.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality



The story of TV Company “Rioni” shows the importance of gender approach in pre-school period.
This is a story about the only men – head of kindergarten – Zaal Khonelidze an dit is an exception in our reality.
The personnel mention that there was a skeptic approach towards the new head, but soon he gained love and respect from side of the pupils.
“Good manager, good teacher, educated head” – this is his characteristics from the side of colleagues and parents (Zaal is a member of the club “who, when, where”).
“Pleasant, but very responsible”, this is how he characterizes Kutaisi, kindergarten No1.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


“Change of the policy of local government regarding gender budgeting” – this is a name of fund “Sukhumi” project, in frames of which in 12 kindergartens of Kutaisi informational meetings were held regarding gender issues with the heads, teachers and Methodists.
 The story in “7 Days” tells about a project, which envisages promotion of gender education of pre-school teachers. The respondents – Mayor of the city, council members, teachers of kindergartens mention that the issue is actual and also they speak about problems, which are obvious in pre-school educational service.
 The story also relates to involvement of media.
 “The club of fathers and grandfathers”, the head of a kindergarten is a man – the meeting divided numerous new interesting vectors, related to gender issues and needs protection of the journalists.

The project  is implemented with the support of the Czech non-governmental organization «The independent socio-environmental movement»

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