Meetings (629)

Meetings - in this category there is an information about meetings in frames of Fund “Sukhumi” projects - meetings with beneficiaries, representatives of state structures, local and international non-governmental organizations.



On June 20, on the International Day of IDPs and Refugees, Senaki Sakrebulo organized a meeting with IDPs. The meeting was attended by the chairman of Sakrebulo, the chairman of the Council for Gender Equality at Sakrebulo - Jumber Lashkarava, the Council Secretary Irina Gugava and representatives of the IDP service.

At the meeting, they talked about the services that the state offers to internally displaced people. They told about creation of the Council of gender equality at Sakrebulo. One of the functions of the Council is to ensure gender equality in the health and social sphere.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)


The Tskhaltubo Women Initiative Group summed up the work for six months. During the reporting period, the group was able to advocate 5 problems. In parallel, work is under way to solve long-term problems.

Members of the group regularly hold meetings in different local communities. On the ground, the problem is identified. The advocacy process is carried out with the involvement of various structures of local government.

The women initiative group is focused on finding additional finances. Inclusion of new donors and work on new projects will make the advocacy process more effective.

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
 women’s Foundation (Sweden)



In Khoni Sakrebulo, a regular meeting of the Council of Advisers on Social Issues was held. The following questions were presented at the meeting: prospects for new partners / contacts and cooperation with local self-government; current projects of social inclusion, the results of monitoring conducted by the fund “Sukhumi” and the results of the advocacy component on IDP reform, as well as an analysis of the local social context.

The meeting discussed the list of cases for the near future that are on the agenda, according to the social strategy and action plan.

After the meeting the members of the Council together with the heads of the PIN project on social inclusion visited the repair works of the kindergarten in the IDP settlement made within the framework of one project - the building is ready to accept the pupils.

The project is implemented with the support of the Czech organization PIN 


The informational meeting on the draft reform on IDP issues was held in the framework of the project "Inclusion of NGOs working on issues of social protection in the strategic dialogue in Georgia" in Khoni Sakrebulo.

Meetings were attended by the deputy chairman of Sakrebulo, members of the Sakrebulo, representatives of the social service of Gamgeoba and the staff of the Apparatus. Representatives of local self-government consider that the reform should be oriented to the needs of IDPs, an individual approach to each family is necessary.

The project is implemented with the support of the Czech organization PIN 

From June 8 to 11, Istanbul hosted a working meeting of partner organizations in frames of the project "Expanding Women's Opportunities for Developing New Approaches Relating to the Transformation of the Conflict". There was an exchange of information, questions about the progress of the current project were discussed. The strategy of the new project was also developed.

The project  is implemented with the support of  Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA



A meeting with representatives of local self-government of Imereti region, local and international NGOs was organized by Fund “Sukhumi” in the meeting room of Kutaisi Province to share its experiences. The conversation was about the projects implemented by Fund “Sukhumi” together with the Czech organization People in Need, other local and international NGOs and local municipalities, and the importance of cooperation between the two sectors for well-being of citizens.

Participants of the meeting discussed the role and functions of a new institutional mechanism that was legitimated in municipalities since 2016 – Gender Equality Councils. Attendees expressed hope that the Councils will become a flexible mechanism and a good resource focused on needs of citizens for more effective local governance. The meeting was organized within the framework of the project “Learning from Visegrad 4 Experience to Advocate for Equal, Inclusive and Democratic Local Governance”.                      “.

The project is implemented with the support of the Visegrad Fund 



The Fund “Sukhumi” is an active participant in the project "Overcoming the consequences of the war - together." Within the framework of the project flyers are printed in all languages ​​of participants. The Fund translated the flyer into Georgian, which includes: brief information about the project, project objectives, participants and partners.

The publication of the flyer in the Georgian language helps to inform both the project participants and all interested persons in studying the experience of the work of public organizations in providing assistance to people affected by the military conflict.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization

DRA – Deutsch-Russischer Austausch (Germany)


The women initiative group gathered in the Fund "Sukhumi". The moderator of the group spoke about the results in terms of advocacy and the challenges they face.

- It is impossible to timely solve problems without activism and inclusion of citizens. Unfortunately, the majority thinks that everything should be done by the government, and does not realize its responsibility, - participants noted.

In their opinion, the role of NGOs is especially important - response to calls of specific people occurs to a lesser extent, and advocacy on behalf of the Fund "Sukhumi" gives effective results.

The initiative group believes that communication with the society and its information should continue.

The project is implemented with the support of KvinnatillKvinna,
womens Foundation (Sweden)


The members of the Women's Initiative Group of Khoni evaluated and analyzed the work for six months.

- Monthly meetings with various groups of society, cooperation with local authorities, advocacy of problems - the participants assessed the activities carried out in these areas.

According to the members of the group, the circulation of citizens has grown, which with the help of an initiative group are trying to solve individual or collective problems. It was stressed that behind each solved problem is the local government, with the support of which the interests of local communities of society were taken into account.

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
 women’s Foundation (Sweden)


In Kutaisi Training Center of Tbilisi State University, within the framework of the project "Studying the experience of the Visegrad to advocate for equal, inclusive and democratic governance at the local level", a meeting was held with young people. At the meeting, interesting discussions took place on issues of gender policy, civic engagement. There were obvious positions on various issues - how young people see the way of life and prospects for the well-being of citizens of their own city, especially for young people. How much they are ready to take part in the implementation of changes - necessary in their opinion,.

The project is implemented with the support of the Visegrad Fund 

Social Networks