Meetings (629)

Meetings - in this category there is an information about meetings in frames of Fund “Sukhumi” projects - meetings with beneficiaries, representatives of state structures, local and international non-governmental organizations.


On January 31 in the conference hall of Senaki Sakrebulo, there was held presentation of GAC project results “Prevention of domestic violence in Senaki Municipality” and “With new consciousness to building non-violent society”. The presentation was attended by representative and deputy of Sakrebulo chairperson, members of Sakrebulo, representatives of city hall, chairperson of the unity of preschool educational premises, teachers of kindergartens, GAC members.

Sakrebulo officials gave a positive assessment to the projects. They hope that the Gender Equality Council, which will be established in Sakrebulo, according to adopted legislative amendment will continue to work in the same direction and will be no less active than the Gender Advisory Council.

At this stage, the GAC collaborates with the Club of Women Voters, which is active in Senaki in gender terms.

The project is implemented with the support  of the U.S. Embassy in Georgia 


33 Mobilization meetings were held in six municipalities of western Georgia (Kutaisi, Poti, Khoni, Tskhaltubo, Senaki, Zugdidi). Particularly should be noted the meetings in villages where there is a lack of information.

The theme of the meetings was associated with the law against violence against women and changes into the law.

The meetings also discussed the municipal budget. Members of mobilization meetings were informed about the planned local social programs in 2017 budget and health care programs.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)


Women's initiative groups of Kutaisi, Khoni and Tskhaltubo held informational meetings with the population on the issue of safety of women and inclusive approaches.

During the meetings, there were identified various types of problems, which are dangerous for women and their families. These problems have already been recorded in the action plans, and in cooperation with local structures the process of advocacy will start.

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
 womens Foundation (Sweden)


On January 20, Women's Initiative Group of Khoni gathered for the first time in 2017. The leader of the group while summing up the past year, spoke about the positive results of a short-term advocacy, as well as on the progress made in terms of long-term advocacy. According to recent news, the group received an official response from the City Council, about the fact that their demand - to ensure Khoni library with central heating – was taken into account in the priorities of 2017.

With pleasure, it was noted that the system of constructive feedback was introduced from the municipality, and each statement of the group causes a rapid response from any government level.

As a result of the discussions there were identified the main strategic goals and objectives, areas, in which Khoni initiative group is going to work actively. Among them - the environmental, social issues, the solution of which will contribute to women.

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
 womens Foundation (Sweden)


On January 13 the fund “Sukhumi” invited the members of women initiative groups of Kutaisi.

-How the work should be continued, what methods should be established for raising the level of women security – discussion was held round these issues.

There was defined concrete strategy.

-There are lots of problems around us, which are not comfortable for the women.

Solution of the problems is possible through their involvement and activity.

-It is necessary to continue cooperation with local government. It is necessary issue in our work.

-It is necessary to inform the society regarding the issues of local budget and different social programs.

Initiative group will continue to work according the advocacy plan.

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,

 women’s Foundation (Sweden)


Members of women initiative groups of Tskaltubo summarized the results of the work in previous year and discussed the strategy for the next year. During the discussion it became obvious that despite the small period, the process of advocacy was effective. The members of initiatives groups were especially active during 16 day campaign, gained experience in organization of different activities, familiarized with the problems of population. They had permanent communication with representatives of local self-government.

There was discussed the phases of advocacy and the corrections were made in the action plan. It was decided to more actively continue cooperation with local government.

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
 womens Foundation (Sweden)


In frames of 16 day campaign, the women support centers conducted mobilization meetings envisaged according the plan in the municipalities of Kutaisi, Poti, Tskaltubo, Senaki, khoni and Zugdidi. 297 beneficiaries were attracted to 33 mobilization meetings in the cities and villages by the mobilizers. They gave them information about a campaign and the activities of the fund for violence prevention.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)


On December 13 and 15 there were held ordinary meetings of women initiative groups of Kutaisi and Tskaltubo. In the first part of the meeting there was summarized the work, conducted in frames of the campaign and talked about results.

According to the group members, level of informing the population was increased. Support and inclusion of the government was underlined.

In the second part there were analyzed plans of advocating the problem. The problem of re-naming the part of the street of Zurab Chavchavadze has already passed the first phase and soon will be discussed on special commission. Decision will be known after a month.

In Tskaltubo, advocacy, of the problem regarding the transport on Rustaveli Street moved to the next phase.

Members of the women’s initiative group regularly meet the population and in parallel work on advocacy of other problems.

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
 womens Foundation (Sweden)


During the ordinary meeting of the advisors’ council in Khoni there was a discussion of grant proposal and defined categories which should be envisaged under it.

In connection with the grant competition, on December 16 in the children's library of Khoni there is planned an informational meeting. The meeting will be attended by all interested persons who want to participate in the competition.

At the meeting of the Council there was made an decision, to ask Khoni Sakrebulo, to take into account the strategy for social inclusion and action plan.

The project is implemented with the support of the Czech organization PIN 


December 12 in Khoni there was held a regular meeting of the Women's Initiative Group, which summarized and evaluated the results of participation in 16 day campaign and work on advocacy. There were planned event, which are necessary to achieve the intended goal.

Members of the Women's Initiative Group pleased representatives of local authorities and partners with a pleasant news: a small volunteer project was funded, which will contribute to improving the living conditions of vulnerable communities of Akhalsheni - Khoni municipality.

Members of the Women Initiative Group, activists of Women Support Center and the Club of Women-Voters, together with representatives of local authorities will contribute to the administration of the project.

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
 women’s Foundation (Sweden)

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