Women Support Centers (530)

Women Support Center these are the branches of the Fund “Sukhumi” in Kutaisi, Tskaltubo, Khoni, Terjola, Senaki, Poti, Khurcha / Koki (Zugdidi Municipality), Lanchkhuti, Ozurgeti, created since 2009. The centers are designed to strengthen women, provide social, psychological, legal assistance to women - victims of violence and to crisis families in a difficult life situation. They promote to the protection of women's rights and ensure their socio-psychological rehabilitation.

19 women from 25 to 65 years old attended the meetings of psychologist in WSCs of Senaki and Khurcha (Zugdidi Municipality) on: aggressive stress and how to fight with it. Work on changes of stress level showed, how high is acknowledgement of stress for majority of women.
It was mentioned, that the greater is stress, the more energy we have to spend and thus we become more vulnerable to any disease or infirmity.
During the meetings there were exercises done for relaxation and anger management.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)


The lawyer of the fund “Sukhumi” conducted informational meeting in Senaki in collective center os the sanatorium “Kolkhida”. IDPs live in this building after leaving Abkhazia. They live in difficult conditions: unsanitary, building under life danger. Their main problem – resettlement, but now more urgent is the problem of drinking water - ruined pipe.
Lawyer of the Fund "Sukhumi" contacted with the local authorities. They promised to solve the problem in the next few days.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


On September 3, 4, and 11 group psychological meetings and individual consultations were held in Tskaltubo, Poti and Khoni WSCs. Total number of beneficiaries was 24.
According to preliminary plan, the participants worked on: problem solution, psychology of decision – making.
The issue was analyzed in a psychological way: in the mechanism of problem solution and decision making steps, informing women and raising the skills is important process in direction of their rights protection. People use different strategies for problem solution. The easiest is the method of attempt and correcting mistakes.
Familiarizing these mechanisms will help many people to take responsibility and independently solve the problems.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)


Meeting of the lawyer and psychologist was held in Kutaisi WSC, attended by10 women, 5 IDPs among them. Topic of the meeting was aggressive stress. The participants mentioned that the issue was very useful and interesting, as there are lots of stressing factors. It was proved by individual work with the scale of social adaptation, according which all of them had high scores – this is the note that the women have stress situation. They learned skills of meditation.
The lawyer familiarized participants of the meeting, how to award the status of violence victim according the law on protection of violence victims and their assistance. they also received information regarding the group of identification of victim. Those, wishing to, were given legal advice on various issues.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)


On September 5 the lawyer of the fund “Sukhumi” held informational meeting in one of the collective centers of Kutaisi with participation of 10 IDP women. Their main problem – resettlement. There were discussed common issues, including: criteria of IDP resettlement, ways of demanding pension, IDP status and allowance for the children, if the parents are abroad, suspension of benefits for the IDPs. Participants received competent answers on their questions.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


On September 3, in the WSC of Khoni informational-consultative meeting was held. 8 participants listened to the conversation on: characteristics and requirements of obtaining public information. Information on which we have access and the right to claim.
It was also provided advice on appointment of a pension of disability for a child and necessary documentation.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)



Informational visit of the lawyer was held in the family of one of the residents of Sakhokia Street (Ozurgeti).
The meetings gave consultations in civil, administrative, social and labor law.
Problems raised by the lawyer are already solved. These problems were announced to the City Hall. On Tsutsunava Street outside lighting was made and the road renovated.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


In August, informational meetings of the lawyer with IDPs, residing in 7 collective centers of Kutaisi were held, attended by 46 citizens.
Topics of the meetings: law on domestic violence, rights and obligations of employed people, subjects of labor relations, basis of labor agreement.
There were held individual consultations regarding interested issues, such as domestic violence, bank debt, applications of IDP resettlement, divorce and alimony appointment.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)


In kuatisi, places of IDP resettlement 7 informational-consultative psychological group meetings were held in August. The meetings were attended by 46 women aged 17-75. 2 sessions of individual therapy were held.
Main issue of the conversations, which caused interests of beneficiaries: how to rule the stress. The women are worried everyday stresses, depressions, low mood and endless financial troubles.  
Meeting participants were given different psychological recommendations.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)


In one of the collective centers of Senaki informational meeting of the lawyer with 9 IDPs was held.
The main topic of the conversation was rights of neighbors according civil code of Georgia. The attendants received necessary information. The meeting revealed main problems of the IDPs: resettlement, gasification of the part of building and legalization.
There was also given individual consultations regarding necessary procedures and documentation for the custody of the disabled persons.  
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


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