Women Support Centers (530)

Women Support Center these are the branches of the Fund “Sukhumi” in Kutaisi, Tskaltubo, Khoni, Terjola, Senaki, Poti, Khurcha / Koki (Zugdidi Municipality), Lanchkhuti, Ozurgeti, created since 2009. The centers are designed to strengthen women, provide social, psychological, legal assistance to women - victims of violence and to crisis families in a difficult life situation. They promote to the protection of women's rights and ensure their socio-psychological rehabilitation.

On July 28, in Senaki, 229 Rustaveli Street, informational meeting of the lawyer was held, which was attended by IDPs and local population.
Meeting participants received information regarding law on IDPs and order of the Minister of Refugees and Accommodation No320, regarding criteria and procedures of IDP long-term resettlement. 
IDP families reside in above mentioned address for a long period. They are socially unprotected and it is difficult for them to pay rent.
The lawyer helped to prepare statement to the Minister of IDPs, in order to provide them with living space in the nearest future.
Besides, the lawyer individually talked with the beneficiaries regarding important issues for them. 
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


The lawyer conducted informational meeting with residents of Kikodze Street, Ozurgeti. Main problem for them is water. As it was revealed the problem will be solved soon, as the pipes are ready and the population will have water soon.
Meeting participants also received legal consultations regarding civil, administrative, social and labor right.
It should be mentioned that some of the problems, raised on informational meeting, are solved by active participation of the lawyer: in the village Nasakirali - Ozurgeti municipality where the Meskhetians live, the roads were covered with gravel and lighting was installed on 26 May Street.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


7 informational-consultative, psychological meetings were held in Kutaisi, in collective centers of IDPs. The meetings were attended by 53 women from 17 to 67 years old. 3 sessions of individual therapy were held.
Main issue of the meeting was “The cycle emotions in the family”. Family happiness depends on woman’s wisdom, especially on her capability to solve conflicts. According to research, the couples, where wives quickly calmed down during the conflict, were happier, both in the short and long term.
Such advices were given to participants of psychological meetings. 
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)


In collective centers of IDPs in Kutaisi, informational-consultative meetings were held. It was attended by 53 citizens of different age.  The main issues of the lawyer, according their interest were: law on IDPs, human being and his rights, right for implementation of local self- government by the citizens, mechanisms of victim protection.
Individual consultations were held: social allowance, procedures of allowance appointment for IDPs, rights and duties of IDPs, who were provided by living spaces, criteria of socially unprotected persons. 
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)


The lawyers of the Fund “Sukhumi” held informational meetings on different issues in WSCs. The main topic in Kutaisi was the law on protection of persons with disabilities and programs for the people of this category, which are envisaged in the budget of 2015 of Kutaisi Municipality.
Marriage and issues connected with it were discussed in Senaki. In Tskaltubo they talked about administrative code, in WSC of Khurcha they touched law protective issues of land possession. In Poti they got interested in the issues connected by the terms of will and in Khoni WSC informational meeting of the lawyer was devoted to the issue of violence against women.
On all meetings, the women were given individual consultations (for example essential for receiving status of single parent or divorce documents and procedures)
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)


In WSCs of Senaki, Kutaisi and Khurcha (Zugdidi Municipality), the consultations of psychologist were attended by 31 women.
“Circle of emotions in family” – this was the topic of emotional and impressive meeting. There was a real circle of emotions.
The fact is that circle of emotions is not so easy in life. What should be done to avoid bad mood?
We should stop negative emotions and be more positive.
-Fill your life with positive impressions, keep smiling and love yourself – this was the message for women.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)


On July 3,6,10 consultations of the psychologist were held. The topic of meeting in Tskaltubo and Poti WSCs was motivation and limits of human security. The third meetings in Khoni Sakrebulo was devoted to domestic violence, violence prevention, intervention, negative influence of violence against children.
The interest towards similar issue was caused by the activity in Sakrebulo. Meeting participants actively involved in the discussion and expressed a will of further collaboration. Activity was high among women during a meeting in Tskaltubo and Poti, as actual and interesting issue was discussed.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)


On July 8, informational-consultative meeting was held in Kutaisi in collective center of former silk factory. Local and NGO families live in unbearable conditions. They have common sanitary facility and kitchen. Sewage system is damaged and there are unsanitary conditions in the building.
IDP families filled application forms and expect resettlement, but still this problem is not solved.
Lawyer of the Fund "Sukhumi" gave the participants of the meeting interest to them advices and at the request of one family one statement was prepared and sent to the Ministry of IDPs and Resettlement.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


In June informational meetings were held in 6 collective centers of Kutaisi. They were attended by 56 people.
The main topic was law against domestic violence and the procedures of defining status of victim. They also received information regarding different laws, legislative acts and programs of local Municipality according their needs. Consultations regarding public information, neighbor relations, devotion, alimony and etc were given. 
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
für die Welt – EvangelischerEntwicklunsdienst (Germany)


In June in IDP collective centers, 7 informational-consultative, psychological and group meetings were held. They were attended by 56 women from 20 to 68 years old. 5 individual therapies were held regarding different problems of women and children.
The main issue of the conversation was “how to understand yourself and others”.
-Relation is important part of people’s life, it seems to be elementary skill, but it appears that majority cannot contact with people. We have a lack of tolerance and conflicts are based on this fact. That is why it is essential to develop communicative skills – was mentioned during the meetings and participants worked in this concrete direction.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)


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